Motivation for you


Written by Andy Lathe

1. God's hand 

For me, God is everything. Everything. You know, we're humans and we're so broken. We all have a hard, painful and tragic moments in the rest of the life. I know, we have so many good and happy moments too, but that's the way what makes this so difficult. I tell you why. Look, so many peoples don't see the happyness in their life, they just seeing the worst things, and they just cares about the worst peoples, in the worst minute with the worst mindcontrol. They need to take a break, just chill. They work too much, too much to be happy. It's not a good thing. If you work all of you're day in a 24 hour, if you work all of you're week and months, then you have nothing to be happy, nothing to chill happy and feel the life slowly. Because you can't feel it. You don't control you're own life, and after more time, you can't control anything in you're life. It's sad and very tragic. But it's so more painful for you. Thinking. It doesn't matter if you a believer, or a sckeptic. Doesn't matter if you rich or you can't pay you're house or car. Doesn't matter if you have a family or you don't have. One thing after all, just chill. As i said, take a break.  How many times you don't have a happy moment, a laugh? You happy now? Just be more time with you're family. Be more time with you're friends, you're boyfriend, girlfriend or you're wife. It doesn't matter, what's matter is; just take a break. You don't need to answer for the world. You don't need anything to do, for being happy. Take more moment and create that fun. Or if you have just bad moments and bad times in you're own mind and you're own body. Then listen up, and not just listen up, but feel me. I know some peoples try to laughing about you, about who you are, about everything what you want to do or who you want to be. But it's just they. They just humans, just a lot of idiots. Don't mess with them. If you fell you are a loser of something that nobody has, then just open up you're mind and you're nice heart and listen again. You are beautiful inside and outside too. You have peoples who love you and they wanna live with you, live for you. And you have a bad neighbor who wanna punch you in the face. Why did you care about that bad neighbor? You have more than this bad people. You have a friend, who love you. You have a family and they love you. If you don't have family, or friends, it's not a problem. You can find a friend, you can find a girlfriend or boyfriend, but what's more important is you can find a family. And you know what? I tell you something what's really fantastic. One thing, one being, he's name is; Jesus Christ. He is really and he's truly lived. He knew what's going on this world now. He know everything, more than anybody in all of the created universes. He just full of love. Full of happyness, forgivness and more and  more of love. He want to you just be safe. You need him. Because your not a bad guy. You are a fantastic and a beautiful human being. He know you and he wanna talk with you, only you need to do is open the door for God. Don't fear, he will answer you if you believe in him. Do something really and very great stuff. Build a house for them who's don't have a house. Give money or food them, who don't have food or money. They will be happy, and you will be happy too. God's hand is all around the world. Like the nature, the lovely peoples. But all of the negative and painful stuff like city's fire and cunami's crash, it's not for the good, it's because the evil. But, we always have faith and love in our heart. That's the point. Well, i hope i' helped some peoples, i hope i' helped you. I love you and don't forget; God loves you! 

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